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  • Brussel
  • Vlaanderen
  • Wallonie

You can always change your choice afterwards.

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  • New in Belgium

New in Belgium? With child(ren)? This is what you are entitled to

Refugee, asylum seeker, expat, new citizen, welcomed by a host family, came to Belgium or were brought here... Whatever title you give yourself, we want to give every child a place in a sustainable society.

We are happy to assist all children living in Belgium. On this page you will find all the information on what you can do if you

  • are new to Belgium yourself, together with your child(ren)
  • welcome new Belgians as a host family

I just arrived, what can I do?

Just arrived in Belgium with your child(ren)? Get your records in order as soon as possible and we will take care of the payment.

  1. Register in the municipality. If necessary, apply for temporary protection in advance. Ask your employer or host family to help with this.

  2. Have a Belgian account opened for you through a bank of your choice or Febelfin.

  3. Request your family allowance.

On this page

Family allowance in Belgium

Child benefit in Brussels

For whom?       

  • Any child domiciled in Brussels
  • Until 31/08 of the year they turn 18
  • Up to 25 years of age under certain conditions     

From 1 January 2022, you will be able to switch child benefit funds and we welcome you to Infino, the sustainable child benefit fund. If you wish to apply now, it is very easy at Infino. Fill in the application form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Join Infino

what do you need?

Do you already have kids?

We zoeken uit op welke toeslagen je recht hebt en starten zo snel mogelijk met de maandelijkse uitbetaling.

Aansluiten bij Infino

Is er een kindje op komst?

Elk kindje dat in België geboren wordt, heeft ook recht op een startbedrag. Daarna volgt het Groeipakket automatisch.

Startbedrag aanvragen

What do you need to make a request?

  • Residence documents or a Belgian identity card. You can apply for this in the municipality where you reside.
  • A Belgian bank account. You can request this from a bank of your choice or from Febelfin.
  • A signature from one or both parents. You can simply sign this digitally, or on paper.

If you do not speak the language, ask someone to assist you. Or scroll down to download the application form in different languages.

A handy roadmap

See what to do at a glance? You can!

Download our handy roadmap.


How much money are we talking about?

What amounts are involved?

The amount you receive depends on many factors:

  • the region (Brussels, Wallonia, Flanders)
  • the place of the child in the family (oldest child, youngest child)
  • the age of your child(ren)
  • your family income
  • ...

Fortunately, we designed a handy calculator so you can calculate your future amount in a few clicks.

Calculate your amount

How to request

Filing an application is very easy and takes barely two minutes. You can choose which way to apply:

  • Digitally: via a link on the right. You do not have to log in anywhere and can immediately sign and send your application digitally.
  • On paper: download an application form below in the language of your choice and send or mail it to the e-mail address given on it.

We try to speak your language

For a better understanding of each other...

Unfortunately, we do not have specialists in all the world's languages. Naturally, we will speak to you fluently in Dutch and French. If those languages are not yours, we will switch to imperfect English. We hope that is okay for you.

Any questions? Feel free to contact us

Join us in English

Welcome to the family

Join us in Dutch

Welkom in de familie

Join us in French

Bienvenue à la famille

Join us in Russian

Добро пожаловать в семью

Join us in Spanish

Bienvenido a la familia

Join us in Ukrainian

Ласкаво просимо в сім'ю

Join us in Polish

Witamy w rodzinie

Join us in Portuguese

Bem-vindo à família

Our partner; the village

Your village, our village, THE village

Expecting a baby or living with small children? The Village is your go-to-guide to pregnancy, birth and early parenting in Belgium.

We provide them with all the content concerning family allowances and the admin involved. They provide (future) parents inspiration, advice and a community to rely on.

It takes a Village to raise a child

What does Infino stand for?

You are more than welcome

At Infino, we believe EVERY child deserves an equal chance in a better world. You want to see your child grow up in a healthy and stable environment. We want that too. Dare to grow together, that is our motto. And we mean it.

We distinguish ourselves every day by the way we communicate.

  • Stronger together: every origin, every family, every background... Together we form a community. No distinctions, just togetherness.
  • Your children matter: it doesn't matter whether you have a big or small budget to entertain your child. We provide plenty of fun tips and ideas to make your little angels laugh. Pssst... often with recycled materials too.
  • We understand you: at Infino, we recognise the difficulties we go through as parents. It's okay to have a down day. It's okay not to be perfect. Every parent does everything possible. We are proud of all parents!

Together for a more viable Belgium

A better world for every child

Daring to grow together. That also means leading by example. Infino thinks inclusively, which means we consider ALL families. Newly composed, single people, new residents in Belgium.... It doesn't matter who you are, what you do or where you come from. You are welcome!

We also fight against child poverty. That's why we set up an enterprise fund in cooperation with the Pelicano Foundation.

And erm, we don't forget Mother Nature either. Infino is planting a forest of more than 10,000 trees. Why? Because we are borrowing the world from our children.

Extra care for the vulnerable

We pay extra attention to the vulnerable in our society. We assist vulnerable parents with correct, clear information on benefits and provide personal advice. We also do our bit to combat child poverty, for example through our cooperation with the Pelicano Foundation.
prime d'adoption - adoptie premie

Read more

Our inspiration for your family


Living with a college student? Some advice for the parents...

This period is not only difficult for the students who are blocked. Parents also feel the pressure that their student experiences. Good news for all those parents: we developed a 'question trail' that effortlessly leads you to the right answer.

Child benefit

Avoid a pay-back

We like to keep in close contact with you. First of all, we would like to hear how you and your child(ren) are doing.