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Hi, we are Infino... Psstt.. our service varies by region. Pick your region and you will receive customized content.

Where do you live?

  • Brussel
  • Vlaanderen
  • Wallonie

You can always change your choice afterwards.

Are you moving? What about your child benefit?

If you're about to move into a new home, you may be wondering what will happen to your child benefit. We explain everything step by step.

Important: your region will determine your compensation

We have 3 regio :

  • Flanders
  • Brussels
  • Wallonia

What should I do if I move?

Are you moving, and staying in the same region?
Simply inform us of your new address. You don't need to do any additional work.

Are you moving outside the region?
In that case, the payment method will also be different. Please inform us of your change of address. If you need more information, please contact us

Are you and/or your children moving abroad?
Is one of you working or studying there? Contact us using the button below. We'll make sure you get all the benefits you're entitled to.

Contact us

The differences by region

maternity allowance 3

The maternity allowance

About two months before the birth or adoption of your child, you will receive a specific amount in the three regions. Depending on your region, this is called your startbedrag, birth grant or maternity allowance.
Startbedrag in Flanders
Maternity allowance in Brussels
groeipakket - allocations familiales

Allocations familiales

Les allocations familiales sont appelées "Groeipakket" en Flandre. En plus des différences de terminologie, les montants sont également différents selon la région. Curieux d'en savoir plus ? Vous trouverez ci-dessous plus d'informations pour les différentes régions :
Groeipakket en Flandre
Allocations familiales à Bruxelles

Calculez votre montant de base

Souhaitez-vous calculer la différence des allocations familiales - le montant de base mensuel que vous recevez par enfant - en Flandre, à Bruxelles et en Wallonie ? C'est possible grâce à notre calculateur rapide.
Calculez les allocations familiales par région


Living with a college student? Some advice for the parents...

This period is not only difficult for the students who are blocked. Parents also feel the pressure that their student experiences. Good news for all those parents: we developed a 'question trail' that effortlessly leads you to the right answer.

Child benefit

Avoid a pay-back

We like to keep in close contact with you. First of all, we would like to hear how you and your child(ren) are doing.

Subscribe to our newsletter

We will send you a newsletter at most once a month with changes in amounts, useful tips, parenting inspiration and other news.
